Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kartchner Caverns, AZ

After visiting the Biosphere 2 north of Tucson, we headed down to camp at Kartchner Caverns State park. It contains the entrance to one of the best preserved caverns in the state, they wouldn't let you even bring a camera in! As a result, I have no pictures. I recommend looking at their photo gallery here or simply do a Google image search. The big pillar nicknamed Kubla Kahn in the Cavern is one of the highest in the world. It is about as high as a 5 story building-58 ft! They think it took 200,000 years to form.
The did however, let you take photos on a nice hike right next to the camp site so that is what I did. Enjoy.

I thought it was neat how the rock seemed to be "scratched" in this picture.

Here's the top of the foothill we hiked.

I think this is a Taeniopoda eques, a grasshopper native only to the southwestern united states and Mexico.

This is what happens after a long day of hiking. It also shows our nice, comfortable tent we stayed in almost the whole month of our travels.

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