Sunday, September 29, 2013

On the way to Ventura, CA Sept. 13th

On our way out of Encinitas, CA to Ventura, CA we passed through Santa Monica on route 1. If you've never driven on the coast of California-do it! I've had the privilege of doing it on two occasions and it has been breathtaking each time. In Santa Monica there are a lot of buildings built right on the hill side to view the ocean, like this apartment building where a unit could rent for around $6,000.

Further down the road we saw more mountains with buildings on them... almost reminds you of iron man's house doesn't it? Which in fact is also in this area further up rt 1 at dune point (far left of photograph below), with the help of some digital editing. OK, so the awesome house doesn't actually exist but this is the spot the movie makers chose to use as the fictional location and cliff scenery. I read somewhere the chose it because you are not actually allowed to build on location and that it would be only fitting to have a super hero's house in a place no one is allowed to build.

Here is an abandoned hotel called Topanga Ranch Motel that I thought looked interesting. The famous character in Boy Meets World gets her name from the same place this hotel did--Topanga, CA just a little north west of Malibu.

After leaving Malibu, there is a long strip of coast line that is designated as wilderness and the impressive houses disappear. However, the impressive scenery does not. It is always awesome to see mountains dive straight into the water as you can see here.

Just outside Venture, CA you can see a lot of farm land that looks really pretty at sunset.

We got a hotel in Ventura in to spend the night before the boat ride out to the island Santa Cruz, part of the channel island chain. It was Dad's birthday while we were on our trip so I got him 20 energy drinks that he likes so much. I surprised him with them by putting them outside the bathroom door. We would need all the energy we could get to explore the large, beautiful island the next day...

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